commit a1fc6bdbe7a5cd66ad169986890425c1e368ab06
Author: Pablo Garro <>
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2021 22:11:52 -0600
First Commit
A | keylay | | | 13 | +++++++++++++ |
A | music-split | | | 43 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
A | nxt_mon | | | 75 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
A | tag_mp3 | | | 21 | +++++++++++++++++++++ |
A | upvol | | | 15 | +++++++++++++++ |
A | | | | 438 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
6 files changed, 605 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/keylay b/keylay
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+var="$(setxkbmap -query | grep layout)"
+var2="layout: us"
+xdotool key Caps_Lock
+if [ "$var" = "$var2" ]
+ setxkbmap -layout es
+ setxkbmap -layout us -variant altgr-intl -option nodeadkeys
diff --git a/music-split b/music-split
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Requires ffmpeg (audio splitting) and my `tag` wrapper script.
+[ ! -f "$2" ] && printf "The first file should be the audio, the second should be the timecodes.\\n" && exit
+echo "Enter the album/book title:"; read -r booktitle
+echo "Enter the artist/author:"; read -r author
+echo "Enter the publication year:"; read -r year
+# Get a safe file name from the book.
+escbook="$(echo "$booktitle" | iconv -cf UTF-8 -t ASCII//TRANSLIT | tr -d '[:punct:]' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | tr ' ' '-' | sed "s/-\+/-/g;s/\(^-\|-\$\)//g")"
+! mkdir -p "$escbook" && echo "Do you have write access in this directory?" && exit 1
+# As long as the extension is in the tag script, it'll work.
+# Get the total number of tracks from the number of lines.
+total="$(wc -l < "$2")"
+while read -r x;
+ end="$(echo "$x" | cut -d' ' -f1)"
+ [ -n "$start" ] &&
+ echo "From $start to $end; $track $title"
+ file="$escbook/$(printf "%.2d" "$track")-$esctitle.$ext"
+ [ -n "$start" ] && echo "Splitting \"$title\"..." && ffmpeg -nostdin -y -loglevel -8 -i "$inputaudio" -ss "$start" -to "$end" -vn "$file" &&
+ echo "Tagging \"$title\"..." && tag -a "$author" -A "$booktitle" -t "$title" -n "$track" -N "$total" -d "$year" "$file"
+ title="$(echo "$x" | cut -d' ' -f 2-)"
+ esctitle="$(echo "$title" | iconv -cf UTF-8 -t ASCII//TRANSLIT | tr -d '[:punct:]' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | tr ' ' '-' | sed "s/-\+/-/g;s/\(^-\|-\$\)//g")"
+ track="$((track+1))"
+ start="$end"
+done < "$2"
+# The last track must be done outside the loop.
+echo "From $start to the end: $title"
+file="$escbook/$(printf "%.2d" "$track")-$esctitle.$ext"
+echo "Splitting \"$title\"..." && ffmpeg -nostdin -y -loglevel -8 -i "$inputaudio" -ss "$start" -vn "$file"
diff --git a/nxt_mon b/nxt_mon
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# Move the current window to the next monitor.
+# Also works only on one X screen (which is the most common case).
+# Props to
+# Unfortunately, both "xdotool getwindowgeometry --shell $window_id" and
+# checking "-geometry" of "xwininfo -id $window_id" are not sufficient, as
+# the first command does not respect panel/decoration offsets and the second
+# will sometimes give a "-0-0" geometry. This is why we resort to "xwininfo".
+screen_width=$(xdpyinfo | awk '/dimensions:/ { print $2; exit }' | cut -d"x" -f1)
+screen_height=$(xdpyinfo | awk '/dimensions:/ { print $2; exit }' | cut -d"x" -f2)
+display_width=$(xdotool getdisplaygeometry | cut -d" " -f1)
+display_height=$(xdotool getdisplaygeometry | cut -d" " -f2)
+window_id=$(xdotool getactivewindow)
+# Remember if it was maximized.
+window_horz_maxed=$(xprop -id "$window_id" _NET_WM_STATE | grep '_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ')
+window_vert_maxed=$(xprop -id "$window_id" _NET_WM_STATE | grep '_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT')
+# Un-maximize current window so that we can move it
+wmctrl -ir "$window_id" -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz
+# Read window position
+x=$(xwininfo -id "$window_id" | awk '/Absolute upper-left X:/ { print $4 }')
+y=$(xwininfo -id "$window_id" | awk '/Absolute upper-left Y:/ { print $4 }')
+# Subtract any offsets caused by panels or window decorations
+x_offset=$(xwininfo -id "$window_id" | awk '/Relative upper-left X:/ { print $4 }')
+y_offset=$(xwininfo -id "$window_id" | awk '/Relative upper-left Y:/ { print $4 }')
+x=$(( x - x_offset))
+y=$(( y - y_offset))
+# Compute new X position
+new_x=$((x + display_width))
+# Compute new Y position
+new_y=$((y + display_height))
+# If we would move off the right-most monitor, we set it to the left one.
+# We also respect the window's width here: moving a window off more than half its width won't happen.
+width=$(xdotool getwindowgeometry "$window_id" | awk '/Geometry:/ { print $2 }'|cut -d"x" -f1)
+if [ "$(( new_x + width / 2))" -gt "$screen_width" ]; then
+ new_x=$((new_x - screen_width))
+height=$(xdotool getwindowgeometry "$window_id" | awk '/Geometry:/ { print $2 }'|cut -d"x" -f2)
+if [ "$((new_y + height / 2))" -gt "$screen_height" ]; then
+ new_y=$((new_y - screen_height))
+# Don't move off the left side.
+if [ "$new_x" -lt 0 ]; then
+ new_x=0
+# Don't move off the bottom
+if [ "$new_y" -lt 0 ]; then
+ new_y=0
+# Move the window
+xdotool windowmove "$window_id" "$new_x" "$new_y"
+# Maximize window again, if it was before
+if [ -n "${window_horz_maxed}" ] && [ -n "${window_vert_maxed}" ]; then
+ wmctrl -ir "$window_id" -b add,maximized_vert,maximized_horz
+elif [ -n "${window_horz_maxed}" ]; then
+ wmctrl -ir "$window_id" -b add,maximized_horz
+elif [ -n "${window_vert_maxed}" ]; then
+ wmctrl -ir "$window_id" -b add,maximized_vert
diff --git a/tag_mp3 b/tag_mp3
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ls -v | grep .mp3 | cat -n | while read n f; do mv -n "$f" "$n.mp3"; done
+[ -z "$album" ] && echo "Nombre del Album?" && read -r album
+[ -z "$year" ] && echo "Año del Album?" && read -r year
+[ -z "$artist" ] && echo "Artista del Album?" && read -r artist
+while read p; do
+ #eyeD3 -t "$p" -n $var $var.mp3
+ track=$(cut -d'|' -f1 <<<"$p" )
+ composser=$(cut -d'|' -f2 <<<"$p" )
+ echo "$track"
+ echo "$composser"
+ eyeD3 -t "$p" -n $var -b "$artist" -A "$album" -a "$composser" -Y "$year" -t "$track" $var.mp3
+ ((var++))
+ echo $var
+done <$1
diff --git a/upvol b/upvol
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+if [ "$1" = "u" ]
+ pactl set-sink-volume alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo +5% | pkill -RTMIN+10 dwmblocks
+elif [ "$1" = "d" ]
+ pactl set-sink-volume alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo -5% | pkill -RTMIN+10 dwmblocks
+elif [ "$1" = "m" ]
+ pactl set-sink-mute alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo toggle | pkill -RTMIN+10 dwmblocks
+ echo heck
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+# cancel for tile function
+# determine what windows are maximized and re-max after the "window select" function
+# determine what windows are non-resizable by the user so that the script doesn't resize them
+# cascade also shaded windows
+# select
+# tile
+# tiletwo
+# tiletwol
+# tiletwor
+# tilethree
+# tilethreev
+# stacktwo
+# cascade
+# showdesktop
+# set gaps (0 removes gaps)
+# set gaps for 'select' mode
+# set desktop dimensions
+display_width=$(xdotool getdisplaygeometry | cut -d" " -f1)
+display_height=$(xdotool getdisplaygeometry | cut -d" " -f2)
+# desktop height without panel(s)
+desktop_height=$(xprop -root _NET_WORKAREA | awk '{ print $6 }' | cut -d"," -f1)
+# window decorations
+window_id=$(xdotool getactivewindow)
+titlebar_offset=$(xwininfo -id "$window_id" | awk '/Relative upper-left Y:/ { print $4 }')
+# top panel
+top_bar=$(xprop -root _NET_WORKAREA | awk '{ print $4 }' | cut -d"," -f1)
+# bottom panel (not needed)
+bottom_bar=`expr $display_height - $desktop_height - $top_bar`
+function get_desktop_dim {
+ if (( ${#DIM[@]} == 0 )) ; then
+ DIM=(`expr $display_width - $outer_gaps \* 2` `expr $desktop_height - $outer_gaps \* 2`)
+ fi
+# which workspace we're on
+function get_workspace {
+ if [[ "$DTOP" == "" ]] ; then
+ DTOP=`xdotool get_desktop`
+ fi
+function is_desktop {
+ xwininfo -id "$*" | grep '"Desktop"'
+ return "$?"
+function get_visible_window_ids {
+ if (( ${#WDOWS[@]} == 0 )) ; then
+ WDOWS=(`xdotool search --desktop $DTOP --onlyvisible "" 2>/dev/null`)
+ fi
+function win_showdesktop {
+ get_workspace
+ get_visible_window_ids
+ command="search --desktop $DTOP \"\""
+ if (( ${#WDOWS[@]} > 0 )) ; then
+ command="$command windowminimize %@"
+ else
+ command="$command windowraise %@"
+ fi
+ echo "$command" | xdotool -
+function win_tile_two {
+ get_desktop_dim
+ wid1=`xdotool selectwindow 2>/dev/null`
+ is_desktop "$wid1" && return
+ wid2=`xdotool selectwindow 2>/dev/null`
+ is_desktop "$wid2" && return
+ half_w=`expr ${DIM[0]} / 2`
+ win_h=${DIM[1]}
+ commands="windowsize $wid1 `expr $half_w - $inner_gaps` `expr $win_h - $titlebar_offset`"
+ commands="$commands windowsize $wid2 `expr $half_w - $inner_gaps` `expr $win_h - $titlebar_offset`"
+ commands="$commands windowmove $wid1 $outer_gaps `expr $top_bar + $outer_gaps`"
+ commands="$commands windowmove $wid2 `expr $half_w + $outer_gaps + $inner_gaps` `expr $top_bar + $outer_gaps`"
+ commands="$commands windowraise $wid1"
+ commands="$commands windowraise $wid2"
+ wmctrl -i -r $wid1 -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz
+ wmctrl -i -r $wid2 -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz
+ echo "$commands" | xdotool -
+function win_tile_two_left {
+ get_desktop_dim
+ wid1=`xdotool selectwindow 2>/dev/null`
+ is_desktop "$wid1" && return
+ wid2=`xdotool selectwindow 2>/dev/null`
+ is_desktop "$wid2" && return
+ half_w=`expr ${DIM[0]} / 3`
+ win_h=${DIM[1]}
+ commands="windowsize $wid1 `expr $half_w \* 2 - $inner_gaps` `expr $win_h - $titlebar_offset`"
+ commands="$commands windowsize $wid2 `expr $half_w - $inner_gaps` `expr $win_h - $titlebar_offset`"
+ commands="$commands windowmove $wid1 $outer_gaps `expr $top_bar + $outer_gaps`"
+ commands="$commands windowmove $wid2 `expr $half_w \* 2 + $outer_gaps + $inner_gaps` `expr $top_bar + $outer_gaps`"
+ commands="$commands windowraise $wid1"
+ commands="$commands windowraise $wid2"
+ wmctrl -i -r $wid1 -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz
+ wmctrl -i -r $wid2 -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz
+ echo "$commands" | xdotool -
+function win_tile_two_right {
+ get_desktop_dim
+ wid1=`xdotool selectwindow 2>/dev/null`
+ is_desktop "$wid1" && return
+ wid2=`xdotool selectwindow 2>/dev/null`
+ is_desktop "$wid2" && return
+ half_w=`expr ${DIM[0]} / 3`
+ win_h=${DIM[1]}
+ commands="windowsize $wid1 `expr $half_w - $inner_gaps` `expr $win_h - $titlebar_offset`"
+ commands="$commands windowsize $wid2 `expr $half_w \* 2 - $inner_gaps` `expr $win_h - $titlebar_offset`"
+ commands="$commands windowmove $wid1 $outer_gaps `expr $top_bar + $outer_gaps`"
+ commands="$commands windowmove $wid2 `expr $half_w + $outer_gaps + $inner_gaps` `expr $top_bar + $outer_gaps`"
+ commands="$commands windowraise $wid1"
+ commands="$commands windowraise $wid2"
+ wmctrl -i -r $wid1 -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz
+ wmctrl -i -r $wid2 -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz
+ echo "$commands" | xdotool -
+function win_stack_two {
+ get_desktop_dim
+ wid1=`xdotool selectwindow 2>/dev/null`
+ is_desktop "$wid1" && return
+ wid2=`xdotool selectwindow 2>/dev/null`
+ is_desktop "$wid2" && return
+ win_w=${DIM[0]}
+ half_h=`expr ${DIM[1]} / 2`
+ commands="windowsize $wid1 `expr $win_w` `expr $half_h - $titlebar_offset - $inner_gaps`"
+ commands="$commands windowsize $wid2 `expr $win_w` `expr $half_h - $titlebar_offset - $inner_gaps`"
+ commands="$commands windowmove $wid1 $outer_gaps `expr $top_bar + $outer_gaps`"
+ commands="$commands windowmove $wid2 $outer_gaps `expr $half_h + $top_bar + $outer_gaps + $inner_gaps`"
+ commands="$commands windowraise $wid1"
+ commands="$commands windowraise $wid2"
+ wmctrl -i -r $wid1 -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz
+ wmctrl -i -r $wid2 -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz
+ echo "$commands" | xdotool -
+function win_tile_three {
+ get_desktop_dim
+ wid1=`xdotool selectwindow 2>/dev/null`
+ is_desktop "$wid1" && return
+ wid2=`xdotool selectwindow 2>/dev/null`
+ is_desktop "$wid2" && return
+ wid3=`xdotool selectwindow 2>/dev/null`
+ is_desktop "$wid3" && return
+ win_h=${DIM[1]}
+ half_w=`expr ${DIM[0]} / 2`
+ half_h=`expr ${win_h} / 2`
+ commands="windowsize $wid1 `expr $half_w - $inner_gaps` `expr $win_h - $titlebar_offset`"
+ commands="$commands windowsize $wid2 `expr $half_w - $inner_gaps` `expr $half_h - $titlebar_offset - $inner_gaps`"
+ commands="$commands windowsize $wid3 `expr $half_w - $inner_gaps` `expr $half_h - $titlebar_offset - $inner_gaps`"
+ commands="$commands windowmove $wid1 $outer_gaps `expr $top_bar + $outer_gaps`"
+ commands="$commands windowmove $wid2 `expr $half_w + $outer_gaps + $inner_gaps` `expr $top_bar + $outer_gaps`"
+ commands="$commands windowmove $wid3 `expr $half_w + $outer_gaps + $inner_gaps` `expr $half_h + $top_bar + $outer_gaps + $inner_gaps`"
+ commands="$commands windowraise $wid1"
+ commands="$commands windowraise $wid2"
+ commands="$commands windowraise $wid3"
+ wmctrl -i -r $wid1 -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz
+ wmctrl -i -r $wid2 -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz
+ wmctrl -i -r $wid3 -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz
+ echo "$commands" | xdotool -
+function win_tile_three_v {
+ get_desktop_dim
+ wid1=`xdotool selectwindow 2>/dev/null`
+ is_desktop "$wid1" && return
+ wid2=`xdotool selectwindow 2>/dev/null`
+ is_desktop "$wid2" && return
+ wid3=`xdotool selectwindow 2>/dev/null`
+ is_desktop "$wid3" && return
+ win_h=${DIM[1]}
+ half_w=`expr ${DIM[0]} / 3`
+ commands="windowsize $wid1 `expr $half_w - $inner_gaps` `expr $win_h - $titlebar_offset`"
+ commands="$commands windowsize $wid2 `expr $half_w - $inner_gaps` `expr $win_h - $titlebar_offset`"
+ commands="$commands windowsize $wid3 `expr $half_w - $inner_gaps` `expr $win_h - $titlebar_offset`"
+ commands="$commands windowmove $wid1 $outer_gaps `expr $top_bar + $outer_gaps`"
+ commands="$commands windowmove $wid2 `expr $half_w + $outer_gaps + $inner_gaps / 2` `expr $top_bar + $outer_gaps`"
+ commands="$commands windowmove $wid3 `expr $half_w \* 2 + $outer_gaps + $inner_gaps` `expr $top_bar + $outer_gaps`"
+ commands="$commands windowraise $wid1"
+ commands="$commands windowraise $wid2"
+ commands="$commands windowraise $wid3"
+ wmctrl -i -r $wid1 -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz
+ wmctrl -i -r $wid2 -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz
+ wmctrl -i -r $wid3 -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz
+ echo "$commands" | xdotool -
+function win_tile {
+ get_workspace
+ get_visible_window_ids
+ (( ${#WDOWS[@]} < 1 )) && return;
+ get_desktop_dim
+ # determine how many rows and columns we need
+ cols=`echo "sqrt(${#WDOWS[@]})" | bc`
+ rows=$cols
+ wins=`expr $rows \* $cols`
+ if (( "$wins" < "${#WDOWS[@]}" )) ; then
+ cols=`expr $cols + 1`
+ wins=`expr $rows \* $cols`
+ if (( "$wins" < "${#WDOWS[@]}" )) ; then
+ rows=`expr $rows + 1`
+ wins=`expr $rows \* $cols`
+ fi
+ fi
+ (( $cols < 1 )) && cols=1;
+ (( $rows < 1 )) && rows=1;
+ win_w=`expr ${DIM[0]} / $cols`
+ win_h=`expr ${DIM[1]} / $rows`
+ # do tiling
+ x=0; y=0; commands=""
+ for window in ${WDOWS[@]} ; do
+ wmctrl -i -r $window -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz
+ commands="$commands windowsize $window `expr $win_w - $inner_gaps \* 2` `expr $win_h - $titlebar_offset - $inner_gaps \* 2`"
+ commands="$commands windowmove $window `expr $x \* $win_w + $outer_gaps` `expr $y \* $win_h + $top_bar + $outer_gaps`"
+ x=`expr $x + 1`
+ if (( $x > `expr $cols - 1` )) ; then
+ x=0
+ y=`expr $y + 1`
+ fi
+ done
+ echo "$commands" | xdotool -
+function expose {
+ get_workspace
+ get_visible_window_ids
+ (( ${#WDOWS[@]} < 1 )) && return;
+ get_desktop_dim
+ # determine how many rows and columns we need
+ cols=`echo "sqrt(${#WDOWS[@]})" | bc`
+ rows=$cols
+ wins=`expr $rows \* $cols`
+ if (( "$wins" < "${#WDOWS[@]}" )) ; then
+ cols=`expr $cols + 1`
+ wins=`expr $rows \* $cols`
+ if (( "$wins" < "${#WDOWS[@]}" )) ; then
+ rows=`expr $rows + 1`
+ wins=`expr $rows \* $cols`
+ fi
+ fi
+ (( $cols < 1 )) && cols=1;
+ (( $rows < 1 )) && rows=1;
+ win_w=`expr ${DIM[0]} / $cols`
+ win_h=`expr ${DIM[1]} / $rows`
+ # do tiling
+ x=0; y=0; commands=""
+ for window in ${WDOWS[@]} ; do
+ wmctrl -i -r $window -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz
+ commands="$commands windowsize $window `expr $win_w - $expose_gaps \* 2` `expr $win_h - $titlebar_offset - $expose_gaps \* 2`"
+ commands="$commands windowmove $window `expr $x \* $win_w + $expose_gaps` `expr $y \* $win_h + $top_bar + $expose_gaps`"
+ x=`expr $x + 1`
+ if (( $x > `expr $cols - 1` )) ; then
+ x=0
+ y=`expr $y + 1`
+ fi
+ done
+ echo "$commands" | xdotool -
+function win_cascade {
+ get_workspace
+ get_visible_window_ids
+ (( ${#WDOWS[@]} < 1 )) && return;
+ x=0; y=0; commands=""
+ for window in ${WDOWS[@]} ; do
+ wmctrl -i -r $window -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz
+ commands="$commands windowsize $window 1024 640"
+ commands="$commands windowmove $window `expr $x + $outer_gaps` `expr $y + $top_bar + $outer_gaps`"
+ x=`expr $x + 100`
+ y=`expr $y + 80`
+ done
+ echo "$commands" | xdotool -
+function win_select {
+ get_workspace
+ get_visible_window_ids
+ (( ${#WDOWS[@]} < 1 )) && return;
+ # store window positions and widths
+ i=0
+ for window in ${WDOWS[@]} ; do
+ GEO=`xdotool getwindowgeometry $window | grep Geometry | sed 's/.* \([0-9].*\)/\1/g'`;
+ height[$i]=`echo $GEO | sed 's/\(.*\)x.*/\1/g'`
+ width[$i]=`echo $GEO | sed 's/.*x\(.*\)/\1/g'`
+ # ( xwininfo gives position not ignoring titlebars and borders, unlike xdotool )
+ POS=(`xwininfo -stats -id $window | grep 'geometry ' | sed 's/.*[-+]\([0-9]*[-+][0-9*]\)/\1/g' | sed 's/[+-]/ /g'`)
+ posx[$i]=${POS[0]}
+ posy[$i]=${POS[1]}
+ i=`expr $i + 1`
+ done
+ # tile windows
+ expose
+ # select a window
+ wid=`xdotool selectwindow 2>/dev/null`
+ is_desktop "$wid" && return
+ # restore window positions and widths
+ i=0; commands=""
+ for (( i=0; $i<${#WDOWS[@]}; i++ )) ; do
+ commands="$commands windowsize ${WDOWS[i]} ${height[$i]} ${width[$i]}"
+ commands="$commands windowmove ${WDOWS[i]} ${posx[$i]} ${posy[$i]}"
+ done
+ commands="$commands windowraise $wid"
+ echo "$commands" | xdotool -
+for command in ${@} ; do
+ if [[ "$command" == "tile" ]] ; then
+ win_tile
+ elif [[ "$command" == "select" ]] ; then
+ win_select
+ elif [[ "$command" == "tiletwo" ]] ; then
+ win_tile_two
+ elif [[ "$command" == "tiletwol" ]] ; then
+ win_tile_two_left
+ elif [[ "$command" == "tiletwor" ]] ; then
+ win_tile_two_right
+ elif [[ "$command" == "stacktwo" ]] ; then
+ win_stack_two
+ elif [[ "$command" == "tilethree" ]] ; then
+ win_tile_three
+ elif [[ "$command" == "tilethreev" ]] ; then
+ win_tile_three_v
+ elif [[ "$command" == "cascade" ]] ; then
+ win_cascade
+ elif [[ "$command" == "showdesktop" ]] ; then
+ win_showdesktop
+ fi